Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Young Generation

         Indonesia is a wonderful and wide country who have so much potential on the social culture and nature. A country will be a strong country if his young generation always thinking about the nation and the solution to make his nation better. “Just need 10 young men, we can change the world !”, said Ir.Soekarno ( The first president of Indonesia ). Our founding father always saying that to make next generation from him make the Indonesia better than now.
          It’s so complicated was happened in our nation, free sex it’s ok and corruption it’s was a culture. All statement like that maybe familiar with us in a paradise of the world ( Indonesia ). This condition will make us more poor and left behind. All of the condition was happened must be change, who is the changer ? yaa, the young generation of our country. This is not a easy things. First, we must change from our self, after that we change our family, and then our nation. But it’s not easy to do, we must corporate with another to make our dreams come true and we must repair all side from our society.
          The important things is education, why the education make so important ? Because education make us can making solution for all problem in the world. The including of the education are religion, morality, value, and knowledge. We can make a better place if the human was there have all of side from the education. And the important things on the education is the THEACHER, because morality and value can be applied by the student, if the theacher do any things with good morality.

By : Aditya Rachman 7310040060

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