Selasa, 06 Maret 2012


Name: Priyambodo Arief Kurniawan
NRP  : 7310040041

Hi my friends :)
This is my 2nd article..

   If you are in good health, vigorous exercise will not injure your damage. However, if you have a health problem or if you have not had a physical checkup recently, you should check with your parents and your family doctor before taking part in any strenuous activity.
     Being over weight is a common problem today. If you are top plump, or just plain fat, exercise can help you. A daily surplus of 100 calories (the amount contained in 8 ounces of carbonated drink) can produce a 10 pound weight gain in a year. But these surplus calories could be burned up by a 15 to 20 minutes daily walk, thus preventing any unwanted gain. The best method of weight control is not let yourself get fat in the first place. Some people skip breakfast or avoid nourishing foods, in the mistaken belief that this will keep them slender. It is far better to eat properly and get plenty of exercise. Both are necessary for good health, clear skin, and a trim figure.
Daily Walk

     If you do need to lose weight, do so gradually. A pound a week is about right. Ask your health teacher or your doctor about a safe diet. Follow it faithfully and exercise regularly. The pounds you lose will be a weight off your mind as well as your body.
     In order to keep healthy you should live a happy life, eat nourishing foods, get plenty of exercise and sleep for eight hours every night.    

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