Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Elecric Vehicle as Transportation In Future

In this period, global warming and air pollution is important issues that must be solved quickly. Because they can destroy earth if human can’t solve them. The main cause of global warming and air pollution is emission gas that caused by motor vehicle and factory that use petroleum as fuel to operate machine. Product that made by combustion of machine is carbon monoxide and water vapour. They are very dangerous for human body and environment.
One of solution of his problem is elctric vehicle. Electric vehicle is vehicle that use electric as a fuel to operate machine. Electric vehicle is environment friendly because it doesn’t  produce emission gas like carbon monoxide and water vapour. And so, we can save the petroleum if everyone use it as their transportation.
In general we can find many kind ofelectric vehicle. They are electric pedicab, electric bike, electric motorcycle, and electric car. Recently scientist is developing electric plane. So, i hope elctric vehicle can subtitute motor vehicle as transportation in future. 

 By : Achmad Fitroh Sayekti
         2 D4 ELIN B

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