Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Dungeon Defender

Today I wanna share with about the other game that I have played. The name’s Dungeon Defender. It’s Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. Accordance to it genre, Real Time Strategy is one of kinds genre that embroil your brain to play it. You must build your own the strategy when the game is already played. The main purpose of this game is to defend your crystal. When your crystal broken your game will be over. There are four defalut character that you can play. There are Squire, Knight, Monk, and Hunter. Each of them have different skill and different difficulty.If you want to add the new character, you must download the content or pack of the game that exist in the main website. Including the new enemy and maps. The most fun thing when you play this game is when the thousands of enemies come and you must kill them without forget about your crystal.

 You must set your weapon and other equipment that suitable in you. You can increase the level of your equipment. The higher levels of the equipment that you use, the more strong you are. I have finished this game 2 month ago. I used knight to play it. With the legendary weapon that I got when I defeated the boss, I can sweep out the enemy easily. I reached the maximum level on the character. It has 70 level on each character. Almost forget, the game can be played in multiplayer or LAN mode too, if your connection is active of course. You can trade the equipment or money that u got to another player. Just play it and you will know how fun this game is.

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