Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Enjoy The Nature With Cycling

Bike is a transportation vehicle that do not need any fuel. We can ride it by rotating its pedal and it will be running. We can go to another places with this vehicle without buy any fuel, like gasoline, diesel fuel etc. We need only the energy. If we are hungry, I think we should get some snack before. We can use bike as a tools for exercise. Not only gives us the helaty body but also can makes our legs become strong. There are many sport that use bike in the game. For exemple, city bike race, freeride, downhill and BMX.  Other people think that they can use their bike to improve the appearance. Getting more friends by making bike community, they are cycling together in week end or when there is a holy day.
Campus routine can make us tired an stressed. So, we need a refreshing. We can go to the mountain, breath of fresh air, and feel the cool mountain air. Nature gives us what we need, it gives us a life and natural beauty to be enjoyed.
We can enjoy the natural scenery by cycling. Enjoy the nature, and make us more grateful for the greatness of God. This is a simple thing, but it can make us become fresh and more love nature.
We don’t need the ekspensive bike for enjoy it. We need only a mountain bike. If we want to try extreme track, we need downhill MTB or Freeride MTB. Both of them are not too ekspensive. With this bike, we not only can enjoy the scenery, but also can make us be healty. If we want to enjoy the city scenery, we can use city bike. The price is more ekspensive then mountain bike. So, I think MTB is cheaper and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of mountain nature.
You can try this..... ^_^

By :
Hardhani Eko K.

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