Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Recharging System for Future Vehicle

     The issue of increasing fuel price makes us have to save more fuel we use. This is a political dynamics of our country. Increasing fuel price, make us have to think about the alternative energy. That is renewable energy for our vehicles. That energy is electricity, the renewable energy for our vehicle.
     Now is time for us to create a new thing that can change our vehicle fuel become a renewable energy. It's mean that electric vehicle will be needed in the next time. The quality of electric vehicle can not escape from energy management in its system. In an electric vehicle, we have to think about the recharging system of its source. We use battery for sources. So, we have to think more about the recharging system.
     For example, when we create an electric vehicle, we can use 8 battery. 4 battery for main source and 4 aothers for spare source. 4 spare battery will recharge automatically while the car is running. And, when the main battery is run out, we can change the selector of battery source. Now, we use the spare battery as a main electricity source.
     Main and spare battery can be charged at night when we are sleeping. So, we can go to some places by our electric vehicle with twice long distance. That is the advantage by using that recharge method. It can make our battery has a long life time because the energy always turning in that cycle of recharging battery.

     I hope it can be a solution for our country to resolve energy problems.

         Hardhani Eko K.

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