When you believe that life as a student college not only study but also find an activity that improve your soft skill, you will have a balance betwen hard skill ability and soft skill ablity. Hard skill we can get from our study in class with a lecturer , soft skill we can get from our activity outside our study time.
If you decide to be an organizer you can choose many kind of organization in PENS, if you are a religious boy, you can join UKKI PENS. Joining with UKKI PENS we can improve our knowledge about Islam ,if we join this organization we have many time to discuss about islam with our friend ,if you want to be a religious man this organization is the right choice. This my global story about UKKI , in next article i will tell you more about UKKI and the other organization in PENS ..
to be continued
by Reza Arif S (7310040043)
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