Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Student College and Society

         Student college, this word is a position that can called highest caste in the eyes of society. But behind it all, is a student college know about function of student college? How are they can be responsible against their position as highest caste in the eyes of society? Are they be sure that principle of student college that they trusted is right?
          Actually, student college called highest caste. But, that not be a pride that can be boasted. With we bring the name of student college, we must ready to get big responsibility. Not only responsibility to can get a best point to a best job, but more than that, student college must be able to be responsible that function of student college that their bring. One of them is SOCIAL CONTROL.
         Student college be given faith to have high soul of  social. Social control is a soul to give to society. Start from give a little helped, until a dedication to society. Because however like at the start, that we is highest caste that have good intelligence, because of that society given their believe in order to we can make this country better than previous. So,  what will we do to answer their wish?

Because I have not much time, I will continue to next time.... :D

by : Bayu Setiawan (7310040055)

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