Senin, 05 Maret 2012


hello, my name ferdi, i'm from 2d4 elektro industri. in this opportunity, i wanna share a bit about LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT or usually call line tracer robot, i thing most of you has knew it.
 LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT is robot that can follow the line which have a different color such as black and white. There are several things or necessery equipment in this robot, there are sensor to scanning the line, comparator to compare the logical, driver motor  and dc motor to make the robot moved. Each equipment have different electronic component, although there are several same. Example, the sensor circuit need photo diode and super bright LED to read the line and comparator isn't, but both still need resistor to block the voltage.
The work system of LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT is the sensor read or scan the line by LED and catched by photo diode, and then the incoming light convert became current that flow into the comparator system. 
After that, the result of comparating is voltage that can actived driver motor circuit. 
 The fungtion of driver motor circuit is drive the dc motor.
The sensor of analog LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT only scan white line and black line, white for “1” and black for “0” or 1 is on condition and 0 is off condition. So, why the analog LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT can move on the line? I think you already knew about the answer.   


Name: Achmad Rhana Ferditya
Nrp: 7310040042 

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