Senin, 12 Maret 2012

My New English Teacher

Name: Ainii Siti Khodijah
NRP: 7310040059

     Hello, let me introduce about myself, my name is Ainii Siti Khodijah, call me Aii, now I’m student in PENS 4th semester oriented in Electro Industry. In 4th semester I met many good lecturers for my study. Especially English, since I studied English in the elementary school until now I can’t see the interesting of English. May be my lecturers couldn’t make me understand it. But it wasn’t in here. After I met Mr.Rizal , the nickname of my English teacher, I felt the different feelings about English.

This Is My New English Lecturer

     Mr.Rizal is good lecture with the unique of characters. He can make a good condition of classroom before my friends and I arrived in there. Mr.Rizal loved a clean so much. I can see it in my class of English for the first time. You know, my friends and I must be washed the foot before entry in the class. Sure, I’m very surprised to hear it because I was not founded it in my lecturers before. I try to understanding the characters of Mr.Rizal.
     After following the English class for some meeting, now I know Mr.Rizal is a good lecture. He wants the students be a smart, respect, enthusiasm, and humanity. He was not only learned English in my class but also learned many value of life. He also motivated my friends and I to kept spirit learning of English, and learning many subjects. I like this.
     Finally, now my feeling about learn of English is very interesting. Then I wish can practice English very well. Thanks so much Mr.Rizal you can success change my mind about English.

2 komentar:

  1. Thanks alot my student, I hope you can learn alot in my class. Do not be afraid to make mistake, learn and remember from the mistake

  2. okey sir, I will eksplore my mistake and please correct them :D
