Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


       Recent studies have revealed that our approach to life determines the state of our health. Our diet, habits, personality, as well as our environment, are some important factors that can influence our health positively or negatively.
       We know that our everyday choice of food is vital to our health. A poor diet of fatty food – such as red meat, dairy products, cakes, biscuits, ice cream – and food containing artificial preservatives – liked canned food – may cause health problems.
      Eating too much can result in obesity. The more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she will suffer from illnesses – among others, high blood pressure. People who lead an inactive life and do not like exercising regulerly are also more apt to become obese than those who like jog, take brisk walks, climb stairs, or even go disco dancing.

       Bad habits – such as smoking and heavy drinking – can also lead to many health problems. A smoker’s chances of developing heart disease are at least twice those of a non-smoker. Smoking can also cause other serious illnesses, especially lung cancer. For those who choose to drink alcohol, a little amount can do no harm. But a person who drinks excessively could be prone to high blood pressure and strokes.
    Much worse than smoking and drinking is an addiction to drugs. Since addicts tend to become preoccupied with the daily ritual of obtaining and taking drugs, they often do not take care of themselves and may suffer from depression, malnutrition, infections, and diseases or injuries. Drug addiction can ruin a person’s life, both physically and mentally.
        Researchers also say that our personal character can have a significant effect on the way we live. Having an impatient, bad tempered, or hard driving personality can generate a lot of stress. On the other hand, a calm, patient nature will lessen the tensions of life.
       Now what about you? Do you feel that your life is an unending series of challenges? Do you often need to work on two or more projects at the same time? Do you believe that people often do not understand your seemingly simple ideas? You may think that you have to keep on top at all times; if not, things may get out of control. To get things done, you push things forward. You bring work home even on the weekends.
       Since you have given yourself a mountain responsibilities, you hurry all the time. Without realizing it, you have trouble finding time to take care of yourself, to exercise, or to spend weekends leisurely with your family or friends. And than, one day you find yourself in pretty bad shape.
      If you adopt such a hard driving, competitive, and fast paced lifestyle, you may suffer from one illness after another and you are twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.
       And finally, our environment also influences our state of health to some extent. We are bound to get sick more easily if we live in poluted environment than in an environment where the air is clean and fresh.
      However, we can not rule out congenital inherited diseases. Some people are born with a weak heart, and some illnesses run in the family, such as hemophilia. So, the main thing is, if we are disciplined enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, we have a good chance of being fit and staying fit for many years to come.

By: Priyambodo Arief K. (7310040041)

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