Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Sinusoidal Wave Founder

For engineer like us, sinusoidal wave is very important and not strange for daily activity. Sinus is comparison of the triangle in front of  the angle with the hypotenuse. This wave found by Middle East muslim scientist named Abu Nasr Mansur on 11th century.
mathematician Abu Nasr Mansur was named ibn Ali ibn Iraq or familiarly called Abu NasrMansur (960 AD - 1036 AD). Bill Scheppler in his work entitled al-Biruni: MasterAstronomer and Muslim Scholar of the Eleventh Century, revealed that Abu Nasr Mansurwas a Persian Muslim mathematician.

"He was known as the discovery of the sine law," said Scheppler. Mathematical historian John Joseph O'Connor and Edmund Frederick Robertson explained that Abu NasrMansur was born in the area of ​​Gilan, Persia in 960 AD It was recorded in the Regions of the World, a geography book Persia in 982 AD

Abu Nasr Mansur was an important contribution in the scientific world. Most of AbuNasr's work focused on the areas of math, but some of his writings also discuss theproblems of astronomy.
In mathematics, he has so much work that is very important in trigonometry. Abu Nasrhas developed the works of mathematics, astronomy, geography and astrology Romannamed Claudius Ptolemy (90 BC - 168 BC).
He also studied the works of the Greek mathematician and astronomer, Menelaus ofAlexandria (70 BC - 140 BC). Abu Nasr criticize and develop theories and laws that have been developed that Greek scientists.

Collaboration with the Abu Nasr al-Biruni was so famous. Abu Nasr successfully completed some 25 works great with al-Biruni. "About 17 of his work until nowremained. This suggests that Abu Nasr Mansur was an astronomer and mathematician extraordinary, "said historian John Joseph O'Connor Mathematics and Edmund Frederick Robertson

In Mathematics, Abu Nasr has seven works, while the rest are in the field of astronomy.All of the surviving works have been published, has been translated into European languages​​, and this gives some indication of how highly the importance of the work of Muslim scientists.
In particular, Abu Nasr presents about 20 works to his student al-Biruni. One of the masterpieces of Muslim scientists is a commentary in The Spherics of Menelaus.

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