Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

The Beautiful Places In Lumajang

     Lumajang has wide of tourism with spectacular scenery and unspoiled. The Beauty of Mountains, beachs,lakes and the other tourism can be found in Lumajang. The following tourism are there in Lumajang is :

 1.       Natural Bath Selokambang 

Natural bath selokambang ( Not Water from PDAM) is tourism object that the people believed that bathing in there can cure of rheumatic diseases. Activities can be do besides swimming sport can also enjoy children games fasilities, boating, water bike and tennis sport.

2.       Goa Tetes

Goa Tetes is caving in which there are stalactite and
stalagmites in various colours.Located in the village Sidomulyo Pronojiwo mileage  of 55 km from Lumajang City

3.       Semeru mountain

Mahameru peak has an altitude 3676 m above level sea is a tourist attraction for the hobbys climbers with the challenging natural conditions. Peak Mahameru on national holidays or any date of August 17 and 10 November used a place of ceremony by mountainer from all over archipelago in the world to enjoying the sunrise and sunset panorama from the highest mountain peak on the island of Java, before reaching the peak of Semeru / Mahameru has a patch of grass or safana with a beautiful thick fog 

4.       Watu Godek Beach

This beach is very beautiful panorama, sea view with  
mountain backdrop and supported by a big stone on 
the beach when the waves hit this like a rock, Godek  (shaking head). 

5.       Bambang Beach

The Beach has a big waves reach 3 as typical southern beach scene. Located in the village Pasirian Bago District, 24 km distance from the Lumajang City and the people believe that place of Nyi Roro Kidul 

6.       Ranu Kumbolo

Ranu Kumbolo
Three Ranu/Lake is located on the slopes of  Semeru Mountain. The Mountainers before to the top of  Semeru they will getting three of this lake. Two The lake is Ranu Pane and Ranu Regulo, Ranu Pane village situated on the slopes below and the first climb, whereas located of Ranu Kumbolo above after  5-hour trip from Ranu pane.
Ranu Pane

oke this is just half tourism in Lumajang City and
many other tourism in Lumajang. 

Let's Go to Lumajang

Name : Ade Yannis Yudiendrayana
NRP  : 7310040032

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