Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Surabaya’s Zoo is going to be closed in 2012

You guys must have been know about Surabaya Zoo. It is located on Setail street, in the southern area of Surabaya. Surbaya Zoo was built in 1916, under Netherlands government. At first, the zoo was located on Kaliondo. Later, in 1917 the zoo was moved to Groedo street and in 1920 the zoo was moved to Darmo area. Surabaya Zoo once became thebiggest and most complete zoo in southeast Asia, with botanical collection, aquariums, nocturama (room for nocturnal animals), there were over 351 different species that consist of over 2800 animals.

But have you ever heard of the news that Surabaya’s government is going to close this zoo?
This year, the government is going to close the zoo and change the function into something else. The minister of forestry Darori said he received a letter from Surabaya’s government saying they’re not going to put Surabaya’s Zoo in decree this year. Darori thinks Surabaya’s government wasn’t letting the investor manage the zoo, whereas the only problem of the zoo is lack of fund. That problem causes the animals didn’t get enough treatment. Over 250 animals dead in 2011 caused by the unfeasible nursing.
The closing of this zoo is confusing for me. I think it’s better if the government set the animals free or donate them to other zoo which can give more feasible treatment to the animals. It’s sad to see the animal’s death :( but in the ther hands, i want the zoo to stay exist because the building itself is a heritage and having a role in Surabaya’s historical story, plus, there’s no other place in Surabaya where we can find animals and plants :(

hana fadhilah | 7310040050

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