Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


Below I will explain how to create a traffic light with a Ladsim program.
 first open the folder Ladsim and select / open the file named Ladsim.

when it appear like this click ok

will appear in the column which is the ladder logic diagram worksheet us to create programs that we wantin this case we make the program TRAFFIC LIGHT.

Way of working:
1. red light, while yellow and green lights off
2. delay (up to you)
3. light turns yellow, red and green die
4. delay (up to you)
5. green light, yellow and red death
6. delay (up to you)
7. light turns yellow, red and green die
8. delay (up to you)
9. and repeat the step 1. This program works continuously.

Below is the traffic light program

when it makes the programfollow the instructions
select Simulate and select traffic light

red light 

yellow light

green light

Thank you, may be useful :)

By    : Imam Buchori 
NRP : 7310040058

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