Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

                                         SEMPU ISLAND
Vacation to Sempu island since last 2 years (that I heard) more easily, just buy a ticket, pay-Boat, and if you do not understand the navigation path on Sempu we can booking fishermen to take us to places of interest exists. For that I want to prove it. Unlike a few years ago precisely in OCTOBER 2007 I never stay 2 nights at Sempu island. At that time our goal was to explore Sempu island, a permission that we deal with very complicated but in accordance with our expectations, we visited almost all places of interest on the island.
Ticket prices for entrance to tourist attractions are the Visitor Sempu island USD. 1.000/org, Camping USD. 4000, motorcycle Rp. 1000, 4 Wheels USD. 1000, and Wheels 6 USD. 2,000. But this is the ticket entrance on the side of the island of Java like in kenjeran beach. But here is more clean than that place. For the cost of the ship there are 2 packages, a cost only to cross to Sempu island USD. 100,000 and to circle the island of Rp 300,000 (still negotiable to Rp. 250,000). If you want to save the cost of the ship we can find families or colleagues together with our aims for lower cost.
From the information that we can spend a lot of domestic tourists to the attractions of this play on Friday through Sunday, for foreign tourists are usually on Tuesdays. In Sempu island we can also do wedding, one of the themes of his prospective bride partner in raising the small boat and then on appeal by a big boat.

The first 20 minutes the waves travel around the island seemed quiet, but after that big waves tossed our boat continues shaked, perhaps also because of the size of boats that are small enough so that the majority of us feel seasick. From our conversations with Mr. Fisherman waves have not even nothing, because the big wave season falls in the range of December to February and the fishermen did not dare to go to sea. Blue spring fishermen generally doing all the fish in the evening until early today based on exit no fish (fish will be colored or visible light if the dark)

         During the trip we met the boats are on lease to fish. That I pity we did not get to take photos of dolphins playing in the South Seas. Approximately 1 hour trip, we deliver on a beach in Waru-Waru Sempu island blamed one side facing directly to the P Java. Here, many families spend time playing on this beach.

               Romy rauzan f

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

The Development of Double Pedals

A lot of innovations and theories which are about the development of double pedals were discovered. The Modern Drummer usually has more than two pedals to produce a different sound and rhythm. That's the newest innovation using a lot of pedals which is more than two pedals in drum kit. Grant Collins who is drummer from Aussie has 10 ( ten ) pedals in his drum kit. Terry Bozio who is drummer of KORN has 18 pedals in his drum kit. It needs a coordination between hand and feet to play a lot of pedals. This technique called " Ostinato " or " Polyrhythm " or " Independence ". The footworking has never been same as handworking while we are playing this technique. This technique is the most difficult in drum. You must be patient to learn this technique. It takes a time to master this technique.

Grant Collin's pedals

Terry Bozio's pedals

aldi erzanuari
2 D4 Elektro Industri B

How To Play Double Bass Drum Very Fast ?

Every drummer in the world has been talking this topic since double pedal was invented in 80's. They compete playing double bass drum to be the fastest and make an innovation to play double bass drum easily and rapidly. A lot of theories about double bass drum were discovered. But, It's still difficult for a beginner drummer to learn double bass drum. I'll tell you the secret based on my experience as a drummer. First, you must play double bass drum slowly to develop your calf's muscle. Then, put your feet in the end of pedals, so you will play with its spiral. This is the fastest way to play double bass drum quickly. So, you do not need to have much energy playing this technique. You will be comfortable and stable while you are playing double bass.

aldi erzanuari
2 D4 Elektro Industri B

How to be a drummer easily ?

A lot of drummers have already discussed about this topic. But, I'm going to explain this topic based on my experience as a drummer. There are many techniques in drum. But, you do not have to master all techniques. Usually, All professional drummers practice rudiments technique everyday for warming up and keep their muscle. There are 42 ( fourty two ) techniques in rudiment. If you practice all the rudiment techniques, you will get bored and lazy to play a drum. The main techniques of rudiment are Single Stroke, Double Stroke, Paradiddle, and Flam. If you can do these techniques, I guarantee that you can play a drum in all genre music. If you have already mastered these techniques, you can learn another technique easily.
Single Stroke

Double Stroke



aldi erzanuari
2 D4 Elektro Industri B


I spent my off - duty hours at home and took advantage of it to study english. I was searching an english book when I browsed in internet. My attempt was not useless, I got a great english book which I got it in PDF File. That was an " English Grammar In Use " which the writer was Raymond Murphy and the publisher was Cambridge University Press. The book has 379 pages and  a thousand excercises included answers. I printed that book, So I could read and do the ecersises easily. So far, I have read 30 ( thirty ) Units since I printed it on Wednesday, June 6 th, 2012.

aldi erzanuari
2 D4 Elektro Industri B

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


Below I will explain how to create a traffic light with a Ladsim program.
 first open the folder Ladsim and select / open the file named Ladsim.

when it appear like this click ok

will appear in the column which is the ladder logic diagram worksheet us to create programs that we wantin this case we make the program TRAFFIC LIGHT.

Way of working:
1. red light, while yellow and green lights off
2. delay (up to you)
3. light turns yellow, red and green die
4. delay (up to you)
5. green light, yellow and red death
6. delay (up to you)
7. light turns yellow, red and green die
8. delay (up to you)
9. and repeat the step 1. This program works continuously.

Below is the traffic light program

when it makes the programfollow the instructions
select Simulate and select traffic light

red light 

yellow light

green light

Thank you, may be useful :)

By    : Imam Buchori 
NRP : 7310040058

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Generator Protection

     As an electricity source in a power system, generator is the vital component. It produces the electricity that can we use to do our activities. the bad risk of the power system is breaking of generator protector. The breaking of generator protector can disturb the other sides of the power system. It can broke many components, like Transformator, Bussbar, Control system and there are many others. So the protection of generator have to be more strong in order to avoid the component broken.

To keep the ability of generator, we complete the generator with the good protection tools. This equipment can avoid the broken of generator. The broken of generator can cause the expensive fee for reparation and it can disturb the power system. In the power plant, generator have to has the good preotection because generator is the peoducer of the electricity power. Be sides the generator protection, we have to keep the transmition protection. Because transmition is the media for conducting the electricity power. So, in the transmition, there are some GI to distribute and to protect the power system.

Hardhani Eko K.

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


       Recent studies have revealed that our approach to life determines the state of our health. Our diet, habits, personality, as well as our environment, are some important factors that can influence our health positively or negatively.
       We know that our everyday choice of food is vital to our health. A poor diet of fatty food – such as red meat, dairy products, cakes, biscuits, ice cream – and food containing artificial preservatives – liked canned food – may cause health problems.
      Eating too much can result in obesity. The more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she will suffer from illnesses – among others, high blood pressure. People who lead an inactive life and do not like exercising regulerly are also more apt to become obese than those who like jog, take brisk walks, climb stairs, or even go disco dancing.

       Bad habits – such as smoking and heavy drinking – can also lead to many health problems. A smoker’s chances of developing heart disease are at least twice those of a non-smoker. Smoking can also cause other serious illnesses, especially lung cancer. For those who choose to drink alcohol, a little amount can do no harm. But a person who drinks excessively could be prone to high blood pressure and strokes.
    Much worse than smoking and drinking is an addiction to drugs. Since addicts tend to become preoccupied with the daily ritual of obtaining and taking drugs, they often do not take care of themselves and may suffer from depression, malnutrition, infections, and diseases or injuries. Drug addiction can ruin a person’s life, both physically and mentally.
        Researchers also say that our personal character can have a significant effect on the way we live. Having an impatient, bad tempered, or hard driving personality can generate a lot of stress. On the other hand, a calm, patient nature will lessen the tensions of life.
       Now what about you? Do you feel that your life is an unending series of challenges? Do you often need to work on two or more projects at the same time? Do you believe that people often do not understand your seemingly simple ideas? You may think that you have to keep on top at all times; if not, things may get out of control. To get things done, you push things forward. You bring work home even on the weekends.
       Since you have given yourself a mountain responsibilities, you hurry all the time. Without realizing it, you have trouble finding time to take care of yourself, to exercise, or to spend weekends leisurely with your family or friends. And than, one day you find yourself in pretty bad shape.
      If you adopt such a hard driving, competitive, and fast paced lifestyle, you may suffer from one illness after another and you are twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.
       And finally, our environment also influences our state of health to some extent. We are bound to get sick more easily if we live in poluted environment than in an environment where the air is clean and fresh.
      However, we can not rule out congenital inherited diseases. Some people are born with a weak heart, and some illnesses run in the family, such as hemophilia. So, the main thing is, if we are disciplined enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, we have a good chance of being fit and staying fit for many years to come.

By: Priyambodo Arief K. (7310040041)

The Beautiful Places In Lumajang

     Lumajang has wide of tourism with spectacular scenery and unspoiled. The Beauty of Mountains, beachs,lakes and the other tourism can be found in Lumajang. The following tourism are there in Lumajang is :

 1.       Natural Bath Selokambang 

Natural bath selokambang ( Not Water from PDAM) is tourism object that the people believed that bathing in there can cure of rheumatic diseases. Activities can be do besides swimming sport can also enjoy children games fasilities, boating, water bike and tennis sport.

2.       Goa Tetes

Goa Tetes is caving in which there are stalactite and
stalagmites in various colours.Located in the village Sidomulyo Pronojiwo mileage  of 55 km from Lumajang City

3.       Semeru mountain

Mahameru peak has an altitude 3676 m above level sea is a tourist attraction for the hobbys climbers with the challenging natural conditions. Peak Mahameru on national holidays or any date of August 17 and 10 November used a place of ceremony by mountainer from all over archipelago in the world to enjoying the sunrise and sunset panorama from the highest mountain peak on the island of Java, before reaching the peak of Semeru / Mahameru has a patch of grass or safana with a beautiful thick fog 

4.       Watu Godek Beach

This beach is very beautiful panorama, sea view with  
mountain backdrop and supported by a big stone on 
the beach when the waves hit this like a rock, Godek  (shaking head). 

5.       Bambang Beach

The Beach has a big waves reach 3 as typical southern beach scene. Located in the village Pasirian Bago District, 24 km distance from the Lumajang City and the people believe that place of Nyi Roro Kidul 

6.       Ranu Kumbolo

Ranu Kumbolo
Three Ranu/Lake is located on the slopes of  Semeru Mountain. The Mountainers before to the top of  Semeru they will getting three of this lake. Two The lake is Ranu Pane and Ranu Regulo, Ranu Pane village situated on the slopes below and the first climb, whereas located of Ranu Kumbolo above after  5-hour trip from Ranu pane.
Ranu Pane

oke this is just half tourism in Lumajang City and
many other tourism in Lumajang. 

Let's Go to Lumajang

Name : Ade Yannis Yudiendrayana
NRP  : 7310040032
After graduate from senior high school,Iwant search work,because I want make my parent happy.Actually,I want study in collage but I still have brother,he is still study in elementary school and I have too sister.I want my sister can study in collage after graduate from senior high school,so I choose work after graduate from senior high school.When my friends busy with choose collage,I and two my friend other confused with it,because we not advanced to collage after graduate from senior high school,but we will  work.Actually I have six good friend then,when three my friend want advanced to collage after graduate from senior high school,so we relation became not good.At the time, suddenly one of some my teacher,she name is Mrs.Ida orde me  come to teacher room.In there Mrs.Ida ask to me about “what are you doing after graduate from senior high school?” and I answer that I not school again,but I will worked after graduate from senior high school,hearing my answer, Mrs. Ida shocked and she speak to me that I must school  again ,because Mrs. Ida feel I is one of some smart student,so I must school again to collage.Then next day Mrs.Ida orde me come to teacher room again,to fill the form BIDIK MISI. BIDIK MISI is programs free school in the collage to peoples poor and smart.Finally with the programs it I can school again after graduate from senior high  school,and Iam very happy when I know that I accepted in one of public polytechnic that take place in Surabaya,the name collage is PENS-ITS.   

##Nani Setiyowati(7310040036) 

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Posted By : Irwan Kusuma N (7310040049)
In this 3rd article, I want to share with u about The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim.  This is a single-player video game that developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bathesda Softworks. This is 5th installment in The Elder Scrolls action-adventure RPG fantasy video game series. The 4th series is Elder Scrolls : Oblivion

The story about Skyrim is take place 200 years after the 4th series, Oblivion. The story in the Skyrim is too complicated. About struggling the authority. But besides that the overall of this game is great. It’s always in the first place position on the chart of the game on the cyber world. The graphic that use by Bathesda Game Studio is very cool and very detail about the texture and the character. There are some races that u can play. There are Altmer, Argonian, Vampire, Werewolf, Orc, Nord, Khajiit, and more of it. I used Khajiit when I played the game. It’s Cat-Tiger race that have ability to see things in the dark(normally some character don’t have this skill). There are a lot of skill that u can use, such as Archery, Heavy-Armor, One Handed, Two Handed, Pickpocket, Sneak, and more of it. Just try it, and I gurantee that u feel addicted to play it ^^.