Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

                                         SEMPU ISLAND
Vacation to Sempu island since last 2 years (that I heard) more easily, just buy a ticket, pay-Boat, and if you do not understand the navigation path on Sempu we can booking fishermen to take us to places of interest exists. For that I want to prove it. Unlike a few years ago precisely in OCTOBER 2007 I never stay 2 nights at Sempu island. At that time our goal was to explore Sempu island, a permission that we deal with very complicated but in accordance with our expectations, we visited almost all places of interest on the island.
Ticket prices for entrance to tourist attractions are the Visitor Sempu island USD. 1.000/org, Camping USD. 4000, motorcycle Rp. 1000, 4 Wheels USD. 1000, and Wheels 6 USD. 2,000. But this is the ticket entrance on the side of the island of Java like in kenjeran beach. But here is more clean than that place. For the cost of the ship there are 2 packages, a cost only to cross to Sempu island USD. 100,000 and to circle the island of Rp 300,000 (still negotiable to Rp. 250,000). If you want to save the cost of the ship we can find families or colleagues together with our aims for lower cost.
From the information that we can spend a lot of domestic tourists to the attractions of this play on Friday through Sunday, for foreign tourists are usually on Tuesdays. In Sempu island we can also do wedding, one of the themes of his prospective bride partner in raising the small boat and then on appeal by a big boat.

The first 20 minutes the waves travel around the island seemed quiet, but after that big waves tossed our boat continues shaked, perhaps also because of the size of boats that are small enough so that the majority of us feel seasick. From our conversations with Mr. Fisherman waves have not even nothing, because the big wave season falls in the range of December to February and the fishermen did not dare to go to sea. Blue spring fishermen generally doing all the fish in the evening until early today based on exit no fish (fish will be colored or visible light if the dark)

         During the trip we met the boats are on lease to fish. That I pity we did not get to take photos of dolphins playing in the South Seas. Approximately 1 hour trip, we deliver on a beach in Waru-Waru Sempu island blamed one side facing directly to the P Java. Here, many families spend time playing on this beach.

               Romy rauzan f

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