Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Village Devotion

Name : Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
NRP : 7310040035

Hello my friends, this is my first posting. I'll tell you about my last experience. I hope all of you enjoy it.

Last week, February 24th until 26th 2012, my department and I went to Mojokerto. This activity is our work project from our student association. We are went to Nono Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto at 7 p.m. o'clock. But not all of student association member can came because other activities.

We spend the night at village hall for boys and people house for girls. But we not just spend the night with o sleep. We makes a job for manage 1st grade students. Everyone take a responsibility to manage about 5 until 8 1st grade students.

Saturday, Febuary 25th 2012
After praying Subuh, I take 5 1st grade students to walking around the village. I give them task to help village peoples. 2 person help cleaning the house and the others help farmer. All of them looks very excited. They can learn something new and the important one is can useful for other people.
At night, all of 1st grade student makes an agenda. All of them makes a coaching clinic about Electric (Safety) and Pharmacy (Healthy). The speakers are our lecture, Mr. Syechu Dwitya Nugraha (Electric) and Mrs. Dewi from Airlangga University (Pharmacy). A lot of people around the village came to this agenda. This agenda start from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Sunday, February 26th 2012
After praying Subuh, all of 1st grade students went to river near the village. 2nd grade and 3rd grade has already waiting for them. On there, the students accepted as new Electro Industry member. Before accepted, 2nd grade and 3rd grade give them a duty to become a useful person, not just for their department but must useful for their campus, their family, people around them and their lovely country, INDONESIA.
After that, all of them come back to the village to help the people cleaning their environment. They can interacted with village people, so, they can total to help the village.

That is my last experience. I hope you can enjoy. And give me criticism to make my English skill better than previously. Thank You

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