Name : Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
NRP : 7310040035
Hello my friends,
This is my 2nd article. I will ell you about my hometown, Madura
Madura is one of many island in Indonesia. Madura included in East Java Province. From Surabaya to Madura spend about 1 hour by ship or 30 minutes by motorcycle or car. Now, we can go to Madura easily. Just choose, by ship or pass the bridge.
Madura have harbor called Kamal and bridge called Suramadu (Surabaya-Madura) bridge. Kamal is the biggest harbor in Madura. So, this harbor always busy everyday, 7 days a week 30 days a month 365 days a year. The most busy time is the end of Ramadhan until 7 days later and 3 days during Idul 'Adha. But, after Suramadu bridge finished, Kamal used for big vehicle like trucks, bus, or other vehicles.
Suramadu is the longest bridge in Indonesia. This bridge legitimated by Indonesian president, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) at June 2009. This bridge connected Surabaya (Kenjeran) and Madura (Bangkalan). The length of bridge about 5 km. This bridge look so beautiful at night with lamps that shoot the bridge frameworks.
1st resident is Bangkalan. Bangkalan placed on west Madura. Bangkalan have special food called Serpang Rice. This rice contains with salt egg, shrimp crisp, noddle, shrimp, tofu, meat, tuna, and spicy sauce. Hmm... yummy :). Suramadu bridge included in Bangkalan resident. Beside tour place, there are religion place called Kyai Sholeh graveyard. Kyai Sholeh is the first Islam disseminator in Madura Island. So, many people come there to make a devotional visit. Not to ask something, just pray to Allah SWT.
2nd resident is Sampang. Sampang have the famous tour place, that is Camplong beach. This beach vey beautiful, many people come there not just from Madura but from other province. The beach is very clean and many big trees. Beside that, near beach there are Camplong Hotel, so you can spend the night there. Inside Camplong beach there are many accesories seller. So you can buy some accesories from there like, necklace, brooch, and many more. And all of that accesories made from sea product like shells, coral, or the others.
3rd resident is Pamekasan. Pamekasan is my hometown :). I love it so much. Not just with clean city but also with tour place like Never Extinguished Fire, Jumiang Beach, Sae Salera ,and Vihara Avalokitesvara. Never Extinguished Fire placed at Larangan Tokol Village, Tlanakan District. About 1 km from main road. On there you can found some place about 2x2 m square that just contain sands. But if you use stick, fire rapidly appeared beyond the sand. After research from Germany scientist, they not found something that can burned like gas or oil. After Never Extinguished Fire, there are culinary central called Sae Salera (near my house :D). This central placed at Niaga street. In there you can found all of traditional food from Madura, like sate, soto, Serpang Rice, glutinous rice crisp cracker with small fish (rengginang lorjuk), Madura petis, corn rice, broth soto, and many more. The next tour place is Jumiang Beach. Jumiang Beach placed at Tanjung Village, Pademawu district. About 12 km from city. This beach still clean because majority people doesn't know abou t this beach. The last is Vihara Avalokitesvara. This is the uniquest worship place in Indonesia. Why ??? Because in there, there are 5 worship building in 1 place. That is Mosque (Muslim) , Vihara (Budha), Pagoda (Konghucu), and Temple (Hindu).
4th resident is Sumenep. This resident is placed on east Madura. This resident's weather is cool because placed on highland. The most famous tor place are Asta Tinggi and Lombang Beach. Asta Tinggi is graveyard for palace families. This place often visited by people from around Madura or other island. Not far from Asta Tinggi there are Lombang Beach. This beach have uniqeness, that is have shrimp pine. Shrimp pine that grow on the beach just at Lombang Beach and Pattaya Beach (Thailand). I proud of that :). This beach very clean and many shop around the beach.
That is my story about my lovely hometown, Madura. Pamekasan especially. I hope all of you can enjoy it. Don't forget to make a comment. Thank you.
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