Name : Yuvita Adila Krisna
NRP : 7310040048
Hey , this is my first time to publish my "article" in a blog :) .
My name is Yuvita Adila Krisna . Everybody can call me yuvita or vita. I think you have known me yet :) . I live at Sidoarjo . I have a beautiful sister . Her name is Dini . She's still study at a college in STIKOSA. Oh..of course the beauty of her comes from my mother :). Usually i call her WONDER WOMAN . She is my inspirition. My mom is everything for me .
Now, i am still studying in PENS -Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya- . I am majoring in Electro Industry, the short name is ELIN :D. Actually , when i am in senior high school i have a dream to be a doctor . I follow the course to improve my knowledge about it. I am very exiting and never give up to reach my dream though my family -especially my mom- .I try to convince everybody that i can make my dream true. But, what can i say , my mother not support me totally . She say that doctor is not easy, need more time for study, expensive, have to patient and many reason.
Yaaa... at least i give up..what can i say.i can't do anything. I start to change my choice for my study in a college. I follow the test for college entrance (SNMPTN). My option is Tek.Industri ITS and Tek.Sipil ITS . But, the lucky is not in me (again). I can't pass the examination . I lose it :(.
Actually , i have received in PENS ..because the test is earlier than others and i follow it for the additional option . I select ELIN in a first option , but it not from my heart..i take it random without know what ELIN is :) . Yaaa.. finally i feel that PENS is the best place for me to continue my study and build my dream again. I find new family in ELIN .I'm happy because i have many friends that love me so much . I can express my feeling there :)
Thanks for my special class "B-PONIC COMUNITY" :)
It's nice introduction Cupi :) #aripriyam