Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

My Hometown

Name : Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
NRP   : 7310040035

Hello my friends,
This is my 2nd article. I will ell you about my hometown, Madura

Madura is one of many island in Indonesia. Madura included in East Java Province. From Surabaya to Madura spend about 1 hour by ship or 30 minutes by motorcycle or car. Now, we can go to Madura easily. Just choose, by ship or pass the bridge.

Madura have harbor called Kamal and bridge called Suramadu (Surabaya-Madura) bridge. Kamal is the biggest harbor in Madura. So, this harbor always busy everyday, 7 days a week 30 days a month 365 days a year. The most busy time is the end of Ramadhan until 7 days later and 3 days during Idul 'Adha. But, after Suramadu bridge finished, Kamal used for big vehicle like trucks, bus, or other vehicles.

Suramadu is the longest bridge in Indonesia. This bridge legitimated by Indonesian president, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) at June 2009. This bridge connected Surabaya (Kenjeran) and Madura (Bangkalan). The length of bridge about 5 km. This bridge look so beautiful at night with lamps that shoot the bridge frameworks.

1st resident is Bangkalan. Bangkalan placed on west Madura. Bangkalan have special food called Serpang Rice. This rice contains with salt egg, shrimp crisp, noddle, shrimp, tofu, meat, tuna, and spicy sauce. Hmm... yummy :). Suramadu bridge included in Bangkalan resident. Beside tour place, there are religion place called Kyai Sholeh graveyard. Kyai Sholeh is the first Islam disseminator in Madura Island. So, many people come there to make a devotional visit. Not to ask something, just pray to Allah SWT.

2nd resident is Sampang. Sampang have the famous tour place, that is Camplong beach. This beach vey beautiful, many people come there not just from Madura but from other province. The beach is very clean and many big trees. Beside that, near beach there are Camplong Hotel, so you can spend the night there. Inside Camplong beach there are many accesories seller. So you can buy some accesories from there like, necklace, brooch, and many more. And all of that accesories made from sea product like shells, coral, or the others. 

3rd resident is Pamekasan. Pamekasan is my hometown :). I love it so much. Not just with clean city but also with tour place like Never Extinguished Fire, Jumiang Beach, Sae Salera ,and Vihara Avalokitesvara. Never Extinguished Fire placed at Larangan Tokol Village, Tlanakan District. About 1 km from main road. On there you can found some place about 2x2 m square that just contain sands. But if you use stick, fire rapidly appeared beyond the sand. After research from Germany scientist, they not found something that can burned like gas or oil. After Never Extinguished Fire, there are culinary central called Sae Salera (near my house :D). This central placed at Niaga street. In there you can found all of traditional food from Madura, like sate, soto, Serpang Rice, glutinous rice crisp cracker with small fish (rengginang lorjuk), Madura petis, corn rice, broth soto, and many more. The next tour place is Jumiang Beach. Jumiang Beach placed at Tanjung Village, Pademawu district. About 12 km from city. This beach still clean because majority people doesn't know abou t this beach. The last is Vihara Avalokitesvara. This is the uniquest worship place in Indonesia. Why ??? Because in there, there are 5 worship building in 1 place. That is Mosque (Muslim) , Vihara (Budha), Pagoda (Konghucu), and Temple (Hindu).

4th resident is Sumenep. This resident is placed on east Madura. This resident's weather is cool because placed on highland. The most famous tor place are Asta Tinggi and Lombang Beach. Asta Tinggi is graveyard for palace families. This place often visited by people from around Madura or other island. Not far from Asta Tinggi there are Lombang Beach. This beach have uniqeness, that is have shrimp pine. Shrimp pine that grow on the beach just at Lombang Beach and Pattaya Beach (Thailand). I proud of that :). This beach very clean and many shop around the beach.

That is my story about my lovely hometown, Madura. Pamekasan especially. I hope all of you can enjoy it. Don't forget to make a comment. Thank you.

Adventure to Bromo Mountain

Name : Ade Yannis Yudiendrayana
NRP : 7310040032 

Hello my friends ... this is my first time to publish my English words in this Blog.

My name is Ade Yannis Yudiendrayana and you can call me ADE..

Besides is our photos with tourist from Swedia when arrived in Bromo  

I will to tell you about my travelling when I went to Bromo Mountain with my friends in Senior High School Lumajang. Sometimes before we start travelling to Bromo Mountain the first we together in our school, after that we depart from scholl at 8.00 A.M with drived a motor cycle. We don’t bring the complete equipment, but we just bring a jacket, the Route to bromo you can get from 4 city in East Java that is Lumajang City, Probolinggo City, Pasuruan City and Malang City. The route is the most used that is Probolinggo city route because the road is very good and nearest with Bromo. But I and my friends not get  that route, we get route from Lumajang City although the street not so good But we more happy because we like adventure is challenge.

 In our travelling we skip some place in Lumajang City like Natural Swimming Pool and then village Lake Pane. Our  Adventure has been always we remember and we will not ever to forget, that is when we ride a Motor cycle in ground of sand in Bromo, We many times are fall in there but we aren’t feel sick, because there have felt soft.
Beside is a picture of Lake Pane or ( RANU PANE ) ::--))
Something is very important in Bromo Mountain when we were see a Sun rise in there. The sun rise is very beautiful, we like that and I hope repeat this adventure with all of you my friends.

This is my adventure, What about you..?? :-)
I hope you enjoy it and can help me to improve my english words so sometimes my English skill is better than previously.


Travel Time :D

Name : Naftalin Winanti
Nrp : 7310040054

hello My Name is Naftalin, but just call me Alin.
This time i'm going to tell you about my city, Bandung. What do you think when people say 'Bandung'? Yes, shopping. It such as heaven for shopper,isn't it? :D
Actually, it has many interesting place besides the shopping center.
Bandung isn't as big as Surabaya, but it has beautiful view because of its position which is a mountain range.
so, if you love kind of outdoor activities. Here we go ...

1. Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Tangkuban perahu is one of the highest mountain in Parahyangan. It located in Lembang, North Bandung. Some people belives that Tangkuban Perahu related to Sangkuriang story. It's an active volcano with three craters;Domas crater, Upas crater, Ratu crater.

2.Jayagiri forest

Jayagiri forest located in South Bandung, near to Tangkuban Perahu. It's a great place for hiking with its corrugated contour.

3. Curug Dago

Curug is a place with waterfall. In this place besides of enjoy the nature you can also find the story about Thailand kingdom, because not far from the waterfall there are two inscriptions of Thailand kingdom.

4. Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih lies on Patuha Mountain. The clour of water in this crater can change dependt on the sun light. It called white crater because of the white land that consist of sulphur.

5. Situ Patenggang Lake

This place related to Putra Prabu and Putri Titisan Dewi love story. They were separated for long time. Because of their true love, they searched each other and met at a place called 'batu cinta'. Then, Putri Titisan begged Putra Prabu for a lake and a boat, so the boat became an island shaped heart.

6. Sanghyang Tikoro Cave

it isn't a well known place, because of the hidden location. This place has a mistic story, then no one ever enter the cave. On certain day, Some people come to astetic.

There are some of interesting place in my city.i think back to nature can refresh yourself from your daily routine.
So,come and enjoy :)

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Name : Yuvita Adila Krisna
NRP : 7310040048

Hey , this is my first time to publish my "article" in a blog :) .
My name is Yuvita Adila Krisna . Everybody can call me yuvita or vita. I think you have known me yet :) . I live at Sidoarjo . I have a beautiful sister . Her name is Dini . She's still study at a college in STIKOSA. Oh..of course the beauty of her comes from my mother :). Usually i call her WONDER WOMAN . She is my inspirition. My mom is everything for me .

Now, i am still studying in PENS -Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya- . I am majoring in Electro Industry, the short name is ELIN :D. Actually , when i am in senior high school i have a dream to be a doctor . I follow the course to improve my knowledge about it. I am very exiting and never give up to reach my dream though my family -especially my mom- .I try to convince everybody that i can make my dream true. But, what can i say , my mother not support me totally . She say that doctor is not easy, need more time for study, expensive, have to patient and many reason.
Yaaa... at least i give up..what can i say.i can't do anything. I start to change my choice for my study in a college. I follow the test for college entrance (SNMPTN). My option is Tek.Industri ITS and Tek.Sipil ITS . But, the lucky is not in me (again). I can't pass the examination . I lose it :(.

Actually , i have received in PENS ..because the test is earlier than others and i follow it for the additional option . I select ELIN in a first option , but it not from my heart..i take it random without know what ELIN is :) . Yaaa.. finally i feel that PENS is the best place for me to continue my study and build my dream again. I find new family in ELIN .I'm happy because i have many friends that love me so much . I can express my feeling there :)

Thanks for my special class "B-PONIC COMUNITY" :)


Name: Priyambodo Arief Kurniawan
NRP : 7310040041

One day in the market, there is a little boy who whined to his mother to buy a big bag.

Little boy: Mommy, buy me a big bag please?! (still whining)
Mother : Why do you need a big bag, kid? Give a good reason to me. Please do not whine again!!
Little boy: Mom, the notebook that should be brought to school more and more, whereas this bag is not fit anymore. I need a bigger bag.
Mother : Son, you do not buy a bigger bag, but improve your diligence in learning, then you do not need to carry a book everywhere. Read your book at home, bring your knowledge within the chest in school and just prepare the necessary notes.

So, since then, the little boy is very keen to read the book, not just carry around the book. His love of reading makes him to be very smart person in the future and now more recognized with name Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or B.J. HABIBIE.

I think that we can take either side of this short story and it's nice story :)

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Village Devotion

Name : Ahmad Saiful Wahyudi
NRP : 7310040035

Hello my friends, this is my first posting. I'll tell you about my last experience. I hope all of you enjoy it.

Last week, February 24th until 26th 2012, my department and I went to Mojokerto. This activity is our work project from our student association. We are went to Nono Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto at 7 p.m. o'clock. But not all of student association member can came because other activities.

We spend the night at village hall for boys and people house for girls. But we not just spend the night with o sleep. We makes a job for manage 1st grade students. Everyone take a responsibility to manage about 5 until 8 1st grade students.

Saturday, Febuary 25th 2012
After praying Subuh, I take 5 1st grade students to walking around the village. I give them task to help village peoples. 2 person help cleaning the house and the others help farmer. All of them looks very excited. They can learn something new and the important one is can useful for other people.
At night, all of 1st grade student makes an agenda. All of them makes a coaching clinic about Electric (Safety) and Pharmacy (Healthy). The speakers are our lecture, Mr. Syechu Dwitya Nugraha (Electric) and Mrs. Dewi from Airlangga University (Pharmacy). A lot of people around the village came to this agenda. This agenda start from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Sunday, February 26th 2012
After praying Subuh, all of 1st grade students went to river near the village. 2nd grade and 3rd grade has already waiting for them. On there, the students accepted as new Electro Industry member. Before accepted, 2nd grade and 3rd grade give them a duty to become a useful person, not just for their department but must useful for their campus, their family, people around them and their lovely country, INDONESIA.
After that, all of them come back to the village to help the people cleaning their environment. They can interacted with village people, so, they can total to help the village.

That is my last experience. I hope you can enjoy. And give me criticism to make my English skill better than previously. Thank You