Electric vehicle commuity is collection of people who research on electric vehicles. On my campus there EVC, but EVC on my campus just researching electric car. On EVC have about 22 people and EVC has 4 division, namely mechanical division, controller division, driver motor division and system charger. EVC has made 4 cars, but now just 2 namely toyota car and denkiaka car. EVC always join contest, if in other campus there contes, like contest in brawijaya ELIN EVC was followed, although a lot of undesirable things happen in the race, but EVC champion and Elin got back to campus to get a champion. last year, there is competition in bandung KMLI 3, and EVC Elin follow the race, in KMLI 3 is also a lot of undesirable things happen, and ultimately does not get champion Elin EVC, but the EVC people never gave up, and will fight on KMLI 4. I have a photograph members of the EVC at the time of the race in bandung KMLI 3
By Izzat Daroini (7310040057)
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